Monday, February 22, 2016

Natural cures for depression

Natural cures for depression 

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It is a fact of life that everyone has times in their life when things are not as good as they could be, times when people feel down and miserable. For most of us however, times such as these are transient, periods that we quickly come through before emerging from the dark times and into the light of ‘normality’ once again.
For a significant (and growing) number of people, their reality is unfortunately not like this. It is one where the dark times represent the norm, because they suffer varying degrees of unhappiness and anguish on an almost daily basis, and just getting through each day is a significant challenge for them.
The degree to which people can feel this way differs from person to person, but for those who suffer the most, genuine depression is the reality of the life that they face every day. There is no doubt that there are millions of people all over the world who have a very serious problem with depression, and there is little doubt that most of these people are taking pharmaceutical drugs to deal with their problem. Indeed it is estimated that nearly 10% of the population of the USA suffers from depression, which equates to nearly 20 million adults, so both the scale of the problem and the amount of pharmaceutical drugs being consumed is huge.

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